Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ag Day!

Ag day at Tokomaru school is comming up!
We have lots of exsiting things this year like Mosaic Mirrors for sale, Mini scines, flowers and much more!
Come along this Saturday 12th November 2011.

Monday, May 30, 2011

So far this term...

Well so far this term we have had 5 new students 2 are in room 6 and there names are Faith and Alejandro then in room 1 there is Karen and in room 2 there is Oscar and Jesse. We also have two student teachers one in room 6 and one in room 1 there names are Mr Dombroski and Miss Evitt. We have been doing Google Sketch Up everybody has been making a house or tree house and have been showing them at assembly. We have also been training for the Cross Country and now we only have 2 days to go until the real thing! So come along if you want.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


last year and the year before Jono, Matthew and I had 12 pet lizards but because Matthew went to America Jonathan and I decided to let them free in Jonos garden because some of them were dieing

R.I.P to Lezley, Crazy, Lizzie and No name...

Monday, May 2, 2011

I was born on a                   , my name at birth was Lauren                 and it hasn’t changed since. I was born in                  my middle names come after my relates.                 comes after my                  and my other name comes after my                            . My parents also decided to name me Lauren because there was a famous singer called Lauren Hill that’s where my name is from.
I have an older brother called Billy but that’s just his short name. His real name is                             . Billy is                     and he is very annoying for          My Mum used to be a                        My Dad worked in a                      he would load it onto a truck. But now that we live in                    he has moved right up to the                              
When I was      years old we moved to              , I had never heard of                 because I was only              . We arrived in                on the                       that was a big change for me because all my family was on the other side of the world. It was really hard for me.
When I was      years old I had a cat called             , we didn’t buy her at the S.P.C.A or anything like that we found her!
 When I was        I saw my first gecko I was in            . I was standing on the porch of our rented house when I saw Billy come over holding an albino Gecko that’s where my interest in lizards and reptiles kicked in! Billy gave me the lizard and it jumped right off my hand.
When i was       i met the coolest boy ever his name was                  We would do everything together and the best part was that he liked lizards too! The saddest day of my life was when he left for                   for two years. I was crying so much i almost run out of tears! My Dad says if he likes me he will come back and see us again. I know that                 will come back to see us again because hes our friend too!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Finally the first term is over but theres more to come! im so relaved that school is over for 2 weeks so you know what that means! late nights,sleep overs, partys! all in two weeks! thanks for reading!...

Sunday, April 10, 2011


last week, Tokomaru School walked to the Tokomaru fire station for a cool fire wise visit. We had to sit on the grass wile Danny (the fire fighter) told us what to do, then we went into the smoke room. We had to go in groups of 6, in my group there was...Jayde, Moio, Cheymani, Grace and Jono. We wanted to go last because we could take as long as we want with no one there to complane about it! When we entered the smoke room, i felt existed and scared at the same time. The smoke room is a room filled with peanut oil that was put thru a  smoke machine  just to make it look like real smoke! i was so so relieved  when we finally escaped the smoke room, i crawled out the room and took a big breath and thought...



Monday, April 4, 2011


April the 1st was a very exsiting day for me because there was touch no one was more exsited than me because im a very sporty person! first we versed Linton camp they were hard. we lost by 4 nill we wasn't very happy because we lost. the next game we won by 2 nill. by the end of the day we were proud of our selfs because we had done well

thank you for reading this story!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Last week was the school triathalon eveyone was competeing in this exinting event. i was very exited because i love sport i am intresed in lots of sports espicially running. First we had to run to the crossing and back then we had to get our bikes and bike back down to the crossing then go up this gravel road on the way back down from the gravle road i skidded out of control and fell off my bike i got a grased knee and a few bruses. i saw Moio on his bike coming behind me so i quickly got back on. I was very proud of myself because i come 5th in the race. i knew i could do better. i don't care what place i come aslong as i tryed my best! I hope you enjoy this movie of the triathalon (in action!)

Sunday, March 13, 2011


The 11th of march 2011 was the most devastating day in recorded history for Japan. The biggest earthquake known to man. A 9.0 on the rictor scale followed by a Ten metre high Tsunami! The earthquake didn't do any magior damage it was the Tsunami that did most of it.
The Tsunami was travling at 691 kms per hour! On the news i saw a worle pool as big as they get there was a boat travling around the worle pool. there were crushed cars and loryes floting along with the water there where bodies found floting in the water. they say that 3500 new zealanders stranded in Japan.
our thoughts are with you to the people stuck in Japan...